Maria Satalan + Nikolaus Kuhn

Thinking monuments. How much Otl is there in you?

Maria Satalan

Nikolaus Kuhn

Otl Aicher was decidedly against monuments. He argued that they were inevitably objectified and hence served to distort reality. He was similarly critical of any form of adulation directed towards himself. Information and communication were the best form of commemoration in his view.

A readily intelligible “Set of Statistics” indicating visitors’ states of mind has been put together here instead of a material monument. It is not meant to remain static but rather to encourage visitors to reflect upon their own position – and hence also upon Aicher’s. Thus, we are stimulated to start thinking ourselves and to examine which aspects of Otl Aicher’s repertoire are still of relevance today.

The choice is yours! 28 character building blocks are arranged in seven categories in this “character library”. They contain quotes, work methods and – in part contradictory – views from Aicher’s life.

Select the character building blocks that appeal to you and place them on the wall. In the process decide where the building blocks are to be positioned, where gaps could left, and which building blocks should perhaps remain in the library.