Andrea Kaufmann + Chiara Bruhns

Case for Colour — Otl Aicher’s Position on Colour

Andrea Kaufmann

Chiara Bruhns

Throughout his life Otl Aicher applied himself to colours and their functions and qualities. Engaging with colours, trying out new combinations and grouping various shades thereof were matters central to him.

The “Case for Colour” project examines Otl Aicher’s position on colour and how he handled colour through the filter of his own “Doing” and “Experiencing”. First of all, colours were extracted from various projects of Aicher’s and blended into new shades. A selection was then made and a value assigned to each colour. These were grouped together in twos, affixed to the wall and subjected to light of changing colour.

Alterations in colour, lushness and intensity were brought about as a result. An interactive section invites visitors to experience the ability of colour to mutate as well as recording their own perceptions, emotions felt and values assigned.