otl aicher 100
Let's talk about Otl!
Otl Aicher would have turned 100 on May the 13th this year. His output as an intellectual and designer is as topical as it ever was, notably also for younger generations. Otl Aicher was a mentor, sparring partner and visual designer in one for FSB, a man who, in the latter 1980s, lastingly defined how the company viewed itself. Allow us to celebrate one of the most influential designers ever to emerge from the 20th century!
But are we doing justice to the charismatic polyglot that Aicher undeniably was? Would he have liked the idea of our thrashing out his theories in 2022? Sorting out what we still feel to be applicable, retaining some aspects but consigning others to the dust-heap of history?
We have no way of knowing, of course. Which is why, instead of simply erecting a memorial to him, we have decided to throw the floor open to you.
FSB would like to pursue the Aicher debate with you outside the usual parameters. Was Otl Aicher a rebel who sought to draw attention to major shortcomings with awkward theories?
How does society, do experts from various disciplines approach his theories these days? Do they derive inspiration from Aicher for their work?
FSB has invited students from a selection of various types of higher education establishment to engage with us in an appraisal of Otl Aicher. To this end, they are processing, re-assessing and commenting on an extensive collection of his texts, models and visual design work. The focus is on:
– The use-value of product/door-handle designs
– Architecture + repurposing
– Corporate Design
You, too, can get involved in the debate about Otl Aicher!
You will find background material, information on events and a digital exhibition at our dedicated website. You can also contribute ideas to our Instagram account @fsb.hands.on. We would very much like to know what you think about our Aicher posts and look forward to some lively exchanges!